Journal Entry Week 5

Home After observing a class and how teacher Bam and his students interact, and how life lessons can be integrated into the main lesson itself, it reminds me of having dinner with my family and how my parents gave advice to my siblings while eating. It is very fascinating and heartwarming at the same time. It really reminds me of home. *** It's also about going back to my roots, which is teaching. I really feel like this is what I ought to do after having series of corporate jobs. I remembered being an art workshop facilitator in the past and it gave me so much joy. But due to financial constraint (as I have to support my siblings), I have to find a corporate job that pays more. But all these time, t eaching is by far the one really closest to my heart even though my current job is quite easy but its routinary, as compared to teaching, it's very spontaneous and in a way give you that sense of purpose and fulfillment. ...