On Remote Teaching Ethics
etiquette aka "netiquette" must be established in an online class.
Specially during these times that we are gearing towards virtual communication.
As discussed in
the video, one of the key etiquette is to make sure to have a good impression
specially to your class as being a teacher is a profession and it calls for
expertise and mastery not just with the subject but also how you conduct
yourself with your subject.
So, it is
important to use professional language and avoid slang and abbreviations. Then
we must make sure to check grammar and spelling.
It's also
discussed the basic email guidelines by not using smileys or emoticons
sparingly and to use san serif, why? Because Serif (meaning, a slight
projection finishing off a stroke of a letter in certain typefaces.) Should be
use when it is printed on papers e.g. newspaper or handouts. But for digital
page such as website and email, it is much readable if it doesn't have the
Serif, hence san Serif.
Also, it mentioned about use
appropriate language
· *avoid using all caps
· *do not response when angry
Be courteous
· *choose words carefully
· *have an open mind
· *avoid spam or forward chain mails
Show caution
· *think before disclosing personal or company
· *remember that internet is public
In totality, one must remember the golden rule for Netiquette: "Do not do or say online what you would not do or say offline"
These key principles are very
important to me to attain a level of professionalism in my day to day
communication with my future students. I will go through this video and the
Netiquette for Educators guideline (online article) again and again to be guided
and it helps to practice it continuously and faithfully so it will be become
2nd nature to me.
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