Lesson Plan: Shapes and Forms

Lesson Plan: Grade 4 in Formal Introduction to Elements / Processes
Art Education on Visual Perception through 
Lines, Shapes, Colors and Texture

Name of the teacher: Liyo Denorte
Class: Grade 4 Bataw and Grade 4 Labanos
Subject for today: Shapes: Understanding of Shapes and Forms
Time allotted: 40 Minutes

I Objectives

Content Standard: 
Demonstrates understanding of shapes and forms and balance of size and repetition of motifs/patterns through drawing
Performance Standard: Introduce different kind of shapes and forms and make their own version. 

Lesson Objective:
At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to: 
Differentiate, understand shapes and forms and how we perceive it. Appreciate shapes and forms around them, at home or in nature.

II Subject Matter / Arts Curriculum Guide

I. Elements:
3.1 stylized based on nature

K to 12 Curriculum Guide - Department of Education. (2016,May) Retrieved November 27, 2020, from https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Arts-CG.pdf

III Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities (20 minutes)

- "Kamustahan" ask how they are doing and give them how this class will help them learn skills in art making and appreciate the things around them specially in nature at the same time.

-Checking of attendance while “getting to know you” and introduction of guests/peer observers

- A quick review of the previous discussion, and then will adjust lesson from the point they have lifted off. Will also try to assimilate the activity from their previous art lessons.

-Motivation and Art Activity

PowerPoint presentation of shapes and forms with sample drawings and                artworks 
Differentiate different kind of shapes, geometric and organic
Differentiate two kind of forms, geometric and organic
Discuss and pinpoint the arrangement of visual variables and application for         the following:

    1. Position
    2. Sequence
    3. Hierarchy
    4. Size 
    5. Repetition
    6. Space

B. Development Activities (2 Activities for 20 minutes)

Activity 1 (5-10 minutes)
Shapes and Forms Review and Practice (Figure 1)
    1. Paper
    2. Ruler
    3. Circular bottle caps or tumblers for tracing
    4. Any of the following: 
        Pencil, Ballpoint pen, Crayon, black paint or brush

-Art Activity using bond paper and fold it into four quadrants.
-Each Quadrant they will write and give examples (minimum of two) for the following:
    1. Geometric Shapes
    2. Organic Shapes
    3. Geometric Forms
    4. Organic Forms

Activity 2 (5-10 minutes)
Art Activity ala Henri Matisse Paper Cutouts (Figure 2)
    1. Colored papers, construction papers or unused magazine pages
    2. Scissors
    3. Glue or paste
    4. Found objects such as stones, leaves, plants, vegetables at home for inspiration.

Art workshop that arranges visual variables and application for the following:

Once activity is done, ask them about their takeaway from the activity. What's their favorite part of the activity, what these shapes and forms can do and where do they get their inspiration from creating their artworks.
Recap and final messages.

Figure 1

Figure 2
Materials and Sample Layout


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