Lesson Plan in Elements of Art


Lesson Plan in Elements of Art

Name of the teacher: Leopoldo R. Denorte

Time allotted: 1 hour


I Objectives


Content Standard: Discuss, demonstrate and understand, lines,

texture, shapes and depth, contrast (size, texture)


Performance Standard: Sketches on-the-spot outside or near their house to draw a plant, flowers or a tree showing the different textures and shape of each part, using only a pencil or black

crayon or ballpoint pen


Lesson Objective:

At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to: Demonstrates understanding of lines, texture, shapes and depth, contrast (size, texture) through drawing (A3PR-Ig)



II Subject Matter


Topic: Elements in Art, Lines
Creates an artwork of people

in the province/region.

On-the-spot sketching of

plants trees, or buildings and geometric line designs

shows a work of art based on

close observation of natural

objects in his/her surrounding

noting its size, shape and



(Curriculum Guide page 24-25)


Important notes to discuss as per curriculum:


I. Elements:

1. Lines

1.1 lines can show


2. texture is created by using

different lines

3. shape of natural objects


understanding of lines,

texture, shapes and

depth, contrast (size,

texture) through







Paper, Pencil, Ballpoint pen, Crayon, Sample Objects as reference.


III Procedure


A. Preliminary Activities

- "Kamustahan" just ask how they are doing and give them how this class will help them learn skills in drawing and at the same time appreciate the things around them.

- Checking of attendance while Getting to know you

- Review of the previous discussion if there is, and then will adjust lesson from the point they have lifted off. Will also try to assimilate the activity from their previous art lessons.

-Motivation (Five minutes)

    *Teacher will display pictures the different kind of lines and how these lines can create shades and movements.

    *ask them to look around their area

    *ask them or let them describe their environment, specifically about nature.  if they can see plants, trees or simply what's inside their room

   *ask them to simply draw a simplified outline of their desired object




B. Development Activities

  *Let them shade or apply different kind of lines on their drawing or outline and emphasize how different kind of lines can enhance their drawing

  *let them be aware that even with limited or simple materials such as pen or ballpoint pen, they can create wonderful and beautiful drawings

  *even with limited or without coloring materials, applying different kind of lines can create depth, texture, contrast and movements on their drawings 

  *ask a volunteer whatever challenges they had or any takeaways that they had on the activity

  *also segue bit of the importance of nature around them and how we should take care of our environment and ultimately, our planet.





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