Journal Entry Week 4

Culture Shock

I remembered when I had my first international trip to Hong Kong. I was completely blown away with the unfamiliar culture, it feels like in a Sofia Coppola's film: "Lost in Translation", wherein I have to orient myself with the art of effective communication: expressing or opening oneself to others.

Now, I also have to learn the culture of remote teaching ethics, online instruction and 


    It is indeed an experimental era as we are all in the infancy stage of unit wide online learning. I am quite impressed how even the specialists on this field and professors in the esteemed universities in the U.S. took this as a humbling experience as even themselves have to learn from their colleagues and may take heed from other international counterparts to have an ongoing and collaborative sharing of best practices. 

    I guess to most challenging task for me is the load that we, future teachers are taking. Since the already (certified) teachers have already experienced teaching and now learning to teach online while us, the student teachers, still must learn both skills becoming a teacher and becoming a n efficient online teacher/facilitator/proctor.

    Empathy together with the standard netiquette, is the ultimate key for an effective learning. I also believe that we should be  both professional and personal in terms of keeping a communication, whether it is actual or virtual.

    In line with the standard netiquette, building rapport is essential on this other than formalities and the technicalities. We have to maintain being human, as dealing with technology is having a tendency to be part of the mechanism and its downright robotic.

    So ultimately, once I got certified as a teacher, and able to fully grasp the art of online teaching, the I could fully embrace the notion that "teaching online combines all the usual challenges of designing and leading courses with the issues particular to a digital environment. Yet it’s also an excellent opportunity to refine your teaching".

    Well, it's never too early and too late for anything, to quote a statement from Derek Bruff, director of the Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University, we are: 

"Just in time"


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