On Remote Online Instruction and Assessment

    Reading through the pdf/article I just cannot contain the immensity of the tasks that we are about to embark and at the same time it gave me comfort that these instructors based in Washington DC had gone through it and they able to make it. Although there were uncertainties, but they have to do action at least not to get stuck as what have mentioned on the first part of this chronicle:  “We have a responsibility to our community and to the community at large,” per the university’s president (in Washington State), Ana Mari Cauce.

    Among the 10 Essential Principles and Practices the one that is close to my heart are: 

to be yourself and 

to commit to continuous improvement

    As these might be essential but these are significant learnings for me, since the other 8 has been experienced since day one (with this Educ 180/181 course), as a "student" so I am trying to put myself "as a teacher" this time and having to fully understand it is to be fully undergo with it, and so far with Prof Diaz, we were able to experience the 8 strategies in a professional level.

    In the two I mentioned, those are my personal note to myself and it enriched and solidify my future strategies in doing online class. 

    I guess to most challenging task for me is the load that we, future teachers are taking. Since the already (certified) teachers have already experienced teaching and now learning to teach online while us, the student teachers, still must learn both skills becoming a teacher and becoming a n efficient online teacher/facilitator/proctor.

    So ultimately, once I got certified as a teacher, and able to fully grasp the art of online teaching, the I could fully embrace the notion that "teaching online combines all the usual challenges of designing and leading courses with the issues particular to a digital environment. Yet it’s also an excellent opportunity to refine your teaching".

    Well, it's never too early and too late for anything, to quote a statement from Derek Bruff, director of the Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University, we are: 

"Just in time"


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