Journal Entry Week 9
Rearrange All these years of learning "how to teach" is finally being put into practice. I am collecting all the knowledge and best practices that was taught by my mentors from College of Education. Combined with my Art History and Art Making in College of Fine Arts, I am in the midst of rearranging all these inputs and present them in one final presentation. Just like paper cut outs and paste them into a collage. This time, I am putting these concepts of teaching into action. *** Finally, I am done with my demo classes and here are the feedback or "feed forward" that was shared to me of which I will definitely apply on my future teaching sessions. Only if the time permits, try to minimize time to play for music and continue with the discussion since we have limited time (should only have been 40 mins, and my first class was extended to an hour?!) Make use of chat box to provide instructions so in case I might get disconnected, there's...