
Showing posts from November, 2020

Journal Entry Week 9

  Rearrange  All these years of learning "how to teach" is finally being put into practice. I am collecting all the knowledge and best practices that was taught by my mentors from  College of Education. Combined with my Art History and Art Making in College of Fine Arts, I am in the midst of rearranging all these inputs and present them in one final presentation. Just like paper cut outs and paste them into a collage.  This time, I am putting these concepts of teaching into action. ***      Finally, I am done with my demo classes and here are the feedback or "feed forward" that was shared to me of which I will definitely apply on my future teaching sessions.   Only if the time permits, try to minimize time to play for music and continue with the discussion since we have limited time (should only have been 40 mins, and my first class was extended to an hour?!) Make use of chat box to provide instructions so in case I might get disconnected, there's...

Journal Entry Week 8

"Every single line means something."      -Jean-Michel Basquiat      Had my first Art Class practicum today about lines and visual perception!!!      I never felt so ecstatic and relieved after sleepless nights of preparing my lesson plans, visual presentation, pre recorded discussion and demo teaching.      I also had the chance to peer observe Mita's class for her Math subject and was very impressed how she make a very challenging subject to be fun and entertaining. In fact, my next visual presentation is somehow inspired by her and even my bitmoji above!      And it is true that you learn  more when you teach, since you really have to learn what you are about to teach and also you will learn from your students. One time, I had a hard time figuring out a certain setting about google class meet, and one of my students were able to teach me. It was a very humbling experience and it just shows that learning d...

Lesson Plan: Shapes and Forms

Lesson Plan: Grade 4 in Formal Introduction to Elements / Processes Art Education on Visual Perception through  Lines, Shapes, Colors and Texture Name of the teacher: Liyo Denorte Class: Grade 4 Bataw and Grade 4 Labanos Subject for today: Shapes: Understanding of Shapes and Forms Time allotted: 40 Minutes I Objectives Content Standard:  Demonstrates understanding of shapes and forms and balance of size and repetition of motifs/patterns through drawing Performance Standard: Introduce different kind of shapes and forms and make their own version.  Lesson Objective: At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to:  Differentiate, understand shapes and forms and how we perceive it. Appreciate shapes and forms around them, at home or in nature. II Subject Matter / Arts Curriculum Guide I. Elements: 3. SHAPES 3.1 stylized based on nature Reference:  K to 12 Curriculum Guide - Department of Education. (2016,May) Retrieved November 27, 2020, from https://www.dep...

Journal Entry Week 7

  Blackout This week, we had the worst typhoon that ends us with no electricity at all---for 3 days.  No cellphone, no laptop and we were given the whole week to recover. Class suspended. So more time to prepare myself for the busy week coming ahead. Bracing myself for what's really in store for me during my practicum weeks. Hold on tight!

lesson plan: Lines and Movements

  Lesson Plan: Grade 4 in Formal Introduction to Elements / Processes Lines: Understanding Lines Name of the teacher: Liyo Denorte Time allotted: 45 Minutes   I Objectives   Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of lines: Kinds of Lines, Lines in Nature, Lines in Patterns, Lines and Movements.   Performance Standard: Introduce different kind of lines and make their own version.   Lesson Objective: At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to: Differentiate, understand lines and learn that they can create movements with line.   II Subject Matter   I. Elements: 1. Lines 1.1 organic and inorganic   reference:     Materials: (fig 1) 1. Paper 2. Leaf (for tracing) 3. Their own hands (for tracing) and then any of the following: Pencil, Ballpoint pen, Crayon, black paint and brush   III Procedur...

Journal Entry Week 6

  Perspective It's about how you see it, you may view it from a man's view, worm's view or bird's view. In other scenario, you may look at the glass either half full or half empty. It's just a matter of perspective. ***      Today, I finally met Sir Basug's class. Sir Arman Basug is my coordinating teacher and I felt so lucky and privileged to be handled by him since he is very supportive and hands-on to my practicum here in UPIS. I am very much impressed how Sir Basug maximized the student's potential to learn as he sent out his lectures in advance so during the class proper, he will add a thorough review and class demo as Art Lessons are definitely can be maximized through practice.      Even me, I found myself well engaged with his class as I am also doing this week's activity: Lines and perspective. I also did my sketches and get reminded that this activity is fundamental, specially for the upcoming years these students will undergo with their curr...