Journal Entry Week 6
It's about how you see it, you may view it from a man's view, worm's view or bird's view. In other scenario, you may look at the glass either half full or half empty. It's just a matter of perspective.
Today, I finally met Sir Basug's class. Sir Arman Basug is my coordinating teacher and I felt so lucky and privileged to be handled by him since he is very supportive and hands-on to my practicum here in UPIS. I am very much impressed how Sir Basug maximized the student's potential to learn as he sent out his lectures in advance so during the class proper, he will add a thorough review and class demo as Art Lessons are definitely can be maximized through practice.
Even me, I found myself well engaged with his class as I am also doing this week's activity: Lines and perspective. I also did my sketches and get reminded that this activity is fundamental, specially for the upcoming years these students will undergo with their curriculum and eventually, with their career path.
I realized, it is quite challenging to be an Art Teacher nowadays, specially during these times that we have to impart these skills and knowledge virtually and still, attain a certain aesthetic environment. That is why it is very crucial to be aware of whatever options we can take advantage of just to be sure that these children are not missing any lessons that they have to know and perceive about Art.
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