lesson plan: Lines and Movements


Lesson Plan: Grade 4 in Formal Introduction to Elements / Processes

Lines: Understanding Lines

Name of the teacher: Liyo Denorte

Time allotted: 45 Minutes


I Objectives


Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of lines: Kinds of Lines, Lines in Nature, Lines in Patterns, Lines and Movements.


Performance Standard: Introduce different kind of lines and make their own version.


Lesson Objective:

At the end of discussion, the learners will be able to:

Differentiate, understand lines and learn that they can create movements with line.


II Subject Matter


I. Elements:

1. Lines

1.1 organic and inorganic






Materials: (fig 1)

1. Paper

2. Leaf (for tracing)

3. Their own hands (for tracing)

and then any of the following:

Pencil, Ballpoint pen, Crayon, black paint and brush


III Procedure


A. Preliminary Activities (20 minutes)

- "Kamustahan" just ask how they are doing and give them how this class will help them learn skills in drawing and at the same time

-Checking of attendance while Getting to know you

- A quick review of the previous discussion if there is, and then will adjust lesson from the point they have lifted off. Will also try to assimilate the activity from their previous art lessons.

-Motivation (Five minutes)

Show different kind of lines and differentiate organic from inorganic lines, and how these lines can create movement.


B. Development Activities (25)

-Art Activity using bond paper, and fold it into two like a greeting card.

-On the first page (cover page) they will trace the leaf and divide it into sections wherein they can fill it out with "Lines in Nature". (fig. 2)

-On the last page, they can trace their own hand and divide it into sections wherein they can fill it out with "Lines in Pattern" (fig. 3)

Let them be aware that these lines are mostly inorganic or "mand made".

-Once activity is done, ask them about their takeaway from the activity. What's their favorite lines, what these lines can do and where do they get their inspiration from creating these lines. 

-Recap and final messages.

(Figure 1 )

(Figure 2)

(Figure 3)


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