sail on


This picture was taken on a trip few days after my birthday and right before the pandemic.

Looking back, the image tells so much about my current situation, foretelling the events that were about to happen.

I'm seeing myself sailing into the untamable sea, of which there are so many factors that are beyond my control. Sailing through the waters, it might get wavy, turbulent and as uncertain--- depending on the weather.

A mentor once mentioned that rather than being anxious of the things beyond us, focus instead on what we can control: mainly our response and attitude towards a circumstance. One can always perceive several things, if this is an ominous trip or an adventure, well, what I consider it to be is a journey of a lifetime.

This journey could be way beyond me but there's no going back this time. After series of self evaluation and realizations, I finally come into decision to become a teacher, to consider it as a career and not just a job, a calling. 

Getting  through this will definitely send me to a distant shore of potentials and opportunities that i might have missed and later regret if i haven't taken this journey.

As a Student Teacher, my goal is to really experience what is really to be in there, not just seeing the boat, but to be on the boat and learn how to "sail a boat". With the help of a skilled instructor (in this case, our coordinating teacher), who can guide the basics and complexities. Hopefully, as most beginners, I can shove off on my own after ample days of lessons. 

I am bracing myself with all the changes and updates,  specially during this difficult time of pandemic. I am up for the challenge and motivated with the idea that the effective teachers are those who can adapt. 

All these being said, what i'm certain about if we get through this, "together",  achievement is definitely in the palm of our hands. 

Sail on, 



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