Journal Entry Week 3

Post Worthy While information is right at the very tip of our fingers, with the advent of technology and vast networking, we are still bounded by responsible data curation and data privacy. 1.) Data Curation Speaking from the Fine Arts point of view, "Curation" in the world of art, can either make or break an artist. That's why we cannot put so much emphasis to the works and description during an art exhibit---which is very similar to this topic, the appropriate and well "guided" learnings of our future students depend on the information that we gathered and provided. Data Curation, I used to think that whatever available information can be provided as long as it's related to the topic asked or being given. Then, I realized that these would lead to "pitfalls" as we have the responsibility to provide accurate and valid information specially to a target audience, who can benefit from the information that was carefully gathered and organized. I ho...